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Key Events (2019-2021)

During the period of 2019-2021, MSI established in October 1019 the Institute for Mobile Studies (IMS), first of its kind in the world with the support of School of International Communications and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). In collaboration with IMS, MSI organized two mobile filmmaking workshops for staff and students at UNNC respectively, its inaugural Mobile Studies Summer School (5-16 August 2019), three workshops: Filming Your Stories: Mobile Way, 360 Filmmaking: Immersive Way, Telling Your Stories: TikTok Way on 19 January 2020, its inaugural International Mobile Storytelling Congress (17-19 January 2020), Mobile Communication Workshop in Wenzhou (5-6 August 2020), and its inaugural Mobile Studies Congress (13-15 November 2020). Public talks were given on how to enhance city mobile storytelling, how to enhance corporate mobile storytelling, how to publish globally chapters and books on mobile studies, how senior citizens handle mobile health communication, how to enhance mobile news storytelling, how to map, measure and model mobility in a global comparative fashion, how to leverage mobile to secure SDGs, how to enhance mobile city storytelling.



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